Cloud Pegboard Slackbot Help

Personalized cloud news

Our app for Slack gives you a personalized (custom filtered) feed of relevant AWS news so you can increase your expertise by efficiently keeping up with the cloud's rapid pace of change.

You get only what you want, and when you want it.

Smart reading lists help you keep track of important announcements and blogs so that you can read them on your schedule and not miss out on important information.


Simply click the "Add to Slack Button" below and then click "Allow" on the following screen.

You will need to have privileges to install apps to your Slack workspace. If you don't, please ask your workspace administrator to add the app. You can forward them this page, or here's a shareable installation link that you can forward to anyone wishing to install the app.

Let your team know!

Help your entire team get the productivity benefits. We've provided some suggested text that you can copy and paste into Slack to help spread the word:

@channel :mega: We’ve installed Cloud Pegboard’s app for Slack to help all of our AWS users keep up with cloud news and announcements.
To get started with your own personalized cloud news, click `Apps` > `Add apps` and select `Cloud Pegboard`. Then click on Cloud Pegboard which will appear under `Apps`.
More information is available here.

Getting started



Demo video

Help and usage

About your News Feed

You cloud news will appear in this Messages tab. You can control what you receive and when you receive it by selecting the settings button here or on the Home tab. Use the menu to the right of each news item to add it to one of your reading lists or to share it.

About your Reading List

Your reading list is displayed in the Cloud Pegboard app's Home tab. You can control how long to retain items in your reading list and even set a schedule for reminders using the settings button here or at the bottom of the Home tab, below the reading list. You have two reading lists: Priority and Best Effort. When items expire from the Priority list, they move to the Best Effort list. When items expire from the Best Effort list, they are automatically marked as 'read.'

Use the menu next to each reading list item to move it to the other reading list, to share it, to mark it as read, or add 7 days to the expiration time.

About chatting with the Cloud Pegboard app

In this Messages tab you can enter commands such as:

Feedback improves the service for everyone!

Please help us to continually improve by letting us know what you think, what's missing, what could be better (and what's good). Contact us here.

We are passionate about creating tools that make the flood of cloud information more manageable. We are guidable by principles of giving you control over what information you receive and when you receive it. Keeping up should mesh with your daily work routine and not compete with it.