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Service names and other metadata. Click on icons to download.

Short name:
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Links to principal documentation for this service


Quick reference to essential development information

IAM prefix:
CLI commands:
CDK doc:
Boto3 doc:
Terraform doc:
ARN syntax:

Code Samples

Links to sample code related to this service. Sources include the AWS Code Sample Catalog and the GitHub orgs: aws, aws-samples, awslabs, etc.

No code samples found for this service


Compliance approvals or assessments for this service


Recent wishlist posts from Twitter tagged with #awswishlist for this service
[Experimental feature]

No wishlist items found for this service.

Azure related services

Azure services that are closely related to this AWS service.
[Experimental feature]

No related services yet. Submit your suggestions.

Tips & Tricks

Moderated guidance to help you be more successful with this service. Click the title link to see the full description.

No tips yet for this service. Submit your suggestion.


Technical attributes for this service

VPC support:
Encryption in Transit:
Encryption at Rest:

Announcements & Blogs

News and blogs for this (or related to this) service. Most recent first.

No recent announcements found for this service


Training resources related to this service.

No trainings directly refer to this service.

re:Invent 2019 Media

AWS re:Invent 2019 sessions that relate to this service. Click on to view the video, click on to view the slides (PDF), or click on to download audio file.

See the full listing of all AWS re:Invent 2019 media in our Super Session Catalog.

No sessions with available media (video, audio, or PDF) directly refer to this service.

My Company (ACME)

The attributes in this section are defined specifically for your organization.
Linked items may refer to internal web sites to your organization.
To access those sites, you will need to be on your corporate network directly or via VPN.

The section is available for enterprise subscribers to define/edit your own per-service attributes. Showing data for mock company: "ACME".

Approved for use:
Turbot support:
Security Requirements:

Use this tab for to store personal notes, links, and other information related to the current list/project.

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Note: Typing completion knows AWS service names and regions (start with cc where cc is 2-letter country such as us).

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